New Church Philosophy of Education
All education is about preparing for life – but what life? At the Washington New Church School we believe the ultimate goal is eternal life in heaven, and that all worldly learning is a means to that end. Everything we see in the world around us, whether through science, the arts, or personal relationships, confirms and illustrates the work of God as He prepares us for eternal life.
From Pre-K to 8th Grade, our faculty and staff put a special focus on mutual respect, personal safety, charitable language, and orderly behavior. Discipline is handled with great care based on clear communication with students and their parents, with the final goal of self-awareness and self-discipline, which will help every child on their spiritual journey as an adult.
We believe there is a spiritual cause and use for every natural process. Our philosophy of education therefore hinges on the pursuit of academic excellence as a container for spiritual growth. The faith of the New Church includes more detailed teachings about spiritual life than any other religion in the world, all drawn from the Word of the Lord. We not only teach about these spiritual principles, but teach each curricular subject through the lens of God's Word. We strive to preserve innocence and provide age-appropriate, concrete experiences of spiritual and natural life to all students.
WNCS has a spiral curriculum, meaning each year builds on previous years, infilling details and more advanced applications on consistent themes according to the developmental state of the students. See our Academics page to explore what we teach, and how we incorporate religion into all curricular subjects as well as our daily life.
We invite you to explore a summary of our beliefs or contact any member of our pastoral staff to learn more about the New Church.
"I can`t imagine a more nurturing environment for young minds." ~ WNCS Parent
New Church Network
The Washington New Church School is a branch of the General Church school system, which supports a network of New Church schools and societies around the world. Here are some of our affiliated schools: