Religious Subjects by Grade Level
Pre-K: We develop affection for select stories in Genesis and Exodus. Through these stories, they learn about the Lord’s infinite love and power, and how we can love Him through obedience, prayer, and caring for one another.
Kindergarten: The Lord is our Heavenly Father. We learn about key characters from across the Old Testament, teaching that the Lord loves us and helps us when we're in trouble. Special focus on Creation, Christmas, Easter, and the New Jerusalem.
1st Grade: The Lord is our Creator and Provider. We read the first half of Genesis, infilling more details about how the Lord takes care of us in the now-familiar stories.
2nd Grade: The Lord is our Shepherd and Creator. We learn more about loving our neighbor and the Lord through the stories in the second half of Genesis.
3rd Grade: The Lord is the Divine Provider and Lawgiver. We read through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, learning the 10 Commandments and how the Lord helps us live in order.
Students memorize a recitation from the Word each week to develop a storehouse of affection and truth from the Word. This practice also helps stretch their academic minds to better assimilate all kinds of knowledge.
Young students frequently engage in delightful worship projects that physically hold their understanding of stories from the Word, like these Noah and the Rainbow candle holders.
In addition to explicit religious instruction, each academic subject is viewed through the lens of spiritual life. See our Academics page to understand how we weave connections between spiritual and natural truth in all subjects.
4th Grade: The Lord is the Hero of War. We read through Joshua and Judges, especially appreciating the power and divinity of the Lord.
5th Grade: The Lord as the King of Kings. We explore the history of the churches from Biblical times, through the Jewish, to the Christian church and its phases, which culminate in the New Church mindset of an understanding faith paired with love. We read I and II Samuel.
6th Grade: The Lord is THE Prophet and Messenger of the Covenant. We read through I and II Kings, seeing many parallels in previous stories and also in the life of Jesus.
7th Grade: We complete an in-depth study and comparison of the four gospels. We also explore topics about Heaven and Hell.
8th Grade: We explore New Church doctrines and how to live a good life. We study the 10 Commandments and their layered applications to daily life.