What to Expect?

Hands-on learning allows children to learn directly from their experience. They are actively involved in manipulating materials, applying their knowledge, and seeing the results. This type of learning engages the affections and fosters long-term retention of concepts.

Hands-on Learning

The Washington New Church School promotes hands-on and project-based learning in all subjects and all grades because it has proven to be the best way children learn.

Rigorous Academics

Our program is rigorously academic. It is necessary for students to participate in class and do their work or else they will quickly fall behind.  We work hard to meet the needs of all students, and with the help of parents and a good attitude from the students themselves, each student can have success.

PE & Active Playtime

Students learn to be active by learning about and playing many lifelong sports. Each student has 3 periods per week of PE along with 2 break times per day for free play.